3D Bits

A shepherd's hook holding two potted plants at sunrise

Red Monster in my virtual gallery

A museum gallery with a glass sculpture and some past renders

Low-poly Pride Rock scene rendered with Redshift

Lightsaber modeled, lit, textured, and rendered in C4D and Redshift

A 3D animation about checking your cholesterol

A Lonely Island. An exercise in composition, lighting, and texturing

Close-up from island showing texture work
2D Pieces

Abstract smoke based on an animated sine wave

Trim Paths stopwatch with added z-depth

A painting I made as a child, brought to life

Fractal Noise exploration

Practicing a jump cycle.

A tandem bike from an animation about active living.

Cute elephant I rigged and animated for a holiday card.

An all-seeing eye representing extensive data analysis

A head rig from an animation about prediabetes.

Smearing Cubes from a course animation about technology.